Far From Any Road - The Handsome Family

美剧《True Detective》主题曲

《Far from Any Road》

From the dusty mesa her looming shadow grows
从尘土飞扬的远山 升起她若隐若现的影

Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote.
涂满毒油的枝杈 伸展着为她遮掩

She twines her spines up slowly towards the boiling sun,
她的脊柱盘旋而上 慢慢靠近正在沸腾的太阳

And when I touched her skin, my fingers ran with blood.
当我触摸她的皮肤 指尖喷涌出鲜血

In the hushing dusk, under a swollen silver moon,
黄昏选择了沉默 浮肿的月亮发出银色的幽光

I came walking with the wind to watch the cactus bloom.
我的肩上是风 风中凝视着仙人掌的开放

A strange hunger haunted me; the looming shadows danced.
此时陌生的双手伸向我 朦胧的影子跳起慌乱的舞蹈

I fell down to the thorny brush and felt a trembling hand.
灌木丛用刺托起我的身躯 一双手在颤抖中死亡

When the last light warms the rocks and rattlesnakes unfold,
当岩石上残留最后一束光 响尾蛇缓缓展开了身躯

Mountain cats will come to drag away your bones.
山猫也将过来 拖走你的骨头

And rise with me forever across the silent sand,
永远随我升起吧 越过无声的砂砾

And the stars will be your eyes and the wind will be my hands.
星辰将成为你的眼睛 风将成为我的翅膀

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